Powerful Features
👻 Ghost Visibility
Gain the upper hand in your ghost-hunting adventures with the ability to see all ghosts, regardless of their hiding spots, making every encounter thrilling and strategic.
🧪 Custom Equipment
Unlock and customize a variety of high-tech ghost-hunting tools that enhance your gameplay. Equip gadgets with special functionalities tailored to different ghost types.
🚪 Infinite Doors
Create doorways to any part of the map at will, allowing you to navigate through buildings and avoid ghost encounters seamlessly. Escape has never been easier!
🌀 Teleportation
Effortlessly teleport to specific areas on the map with predefined locations or custom coordinates, enabling tactical advantages as you hunt or escape from ghosts.
💰 Resource Boosts
Access powerful boosts to gain unlimited in-game resources, from batteries to sanity meters, ensuring you’re always prepared for any paranormal encounter.
🔔 Smart Detection
Enhance your ghost-detection abilities with built-in AI features that alert you to ghost presence, ensuring you’re always one step ahead during investigations.